Logo Adriana Correia
Logo Adriana Correia
Logo Adriana Correia

Job Search Master


Categoria: Etiquetas: , ,

If you’re an adult, you’re part of the Adult Life ‘Game’.

But there’s a problem.

Everyone is trying to do the best they can, but most people have no clue what they’re doing.

If you can figure out how the game is played, your adult life can change significantly.

This afternoon, I published one of the best things I’ve written.

I decided to dedicate a significant block of my focus time yesterday to creating something that I believe could help a lot of people in this community. We should all have the purpose of helping others in life, right?

After reading every day the reality of so many layoffs, people losing their jobs, or wanting to change jobs or careers, I felt I needed to create a comprehensive guide to answer some of the most common questions I get daily on LinkedIn.

I built this for you, and I hope you can get the most out of it.

If you want to play better this adult work life game (and learn how to win) don’t miss it.

Have a great day!

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