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Plan to see Northern Lights in Iceland

iceland, aurora borealis, northern lights-2111811.jpg

Plan to see Northern Lights in Iceland

Planning a trip to see the Northern Lights in Iceland can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you plan your journey:

1. Choose the Right Time:

  • The best time to see the Northern Lights in Iceland is during the winter months, from late September to early April when the nights are longest and the skies are darkest.
  • Aim for a time when the moon is in its crescent phase or below the horizon to maximize visibility.

2. Duration of the Trip:

  • Plan a trip of at least a week to allow for flexibility in chasing the Northern Lights, as they can be elusive, and weather conditions can vary.

3. Flights:

  • Book your flights to Keflavík International Airport, which is the main international airport in Iceland.

4. Accommodations:

  • Choose accommodations in locations away from city lights to minimize light pollution. Reykjavik is a good base, but consider staying in more remote areas like Vik, Hella, or Akureyri for a better chance of seeing the lights.

5. Transportation:

  • Rent a car to have the flexibility to explore different areas with optimal conditions for Northern Lights viewing. Be sure to rent a vehicle suitable for winter driving conditions.

6. Northern Lights Forecast:

  • Monitor the Northern Lights forecast through websites and apps like the Icelandic Meteorological Office and Aurora Forecast. This will help you plan your outings on nights with high aurora activity.

7. Tours:

  • Consider booking a Northern Lights tour with a local guide who knows the best spots and can provide insights on photography. Tours can also operate in challenging weather conditions.

8. Warm Clothing and Gear:

  • Pack warm, waterproof clothing, sturdy boots, gloves, and a hat to stay comfortable during the cold Icelandic nights.
  • Bring a good camera with manual settings to capture the Northern Lights. A tripod and remote shutter release will help stabilize your shots.

9. Sightseeing:

  • Explore other attractions during the day. Iceland is known for its stunning landscapes, waterfalls, hot springs, and glaciers.

10. Safety Precautions:

  • Be mindful of weather conditions and road closures. Iceland’s weather can be unpredictable, especially in winter.
  • Inform someone about your travel plans, and have a reliable GPS and a local SIM card for communication.

11. Enjoy Local Cuisine:

  • Try traditional Icelandic dishes and enjoy the local culture.

Remember to be flexible and patient, as seeing the Northern Lights depends on various factors. Embrace the adventure and the beauty of Iceland beyond just the Aurora Borealis!

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